Saturday, January 20, 2024

The High School to College Experience

My name is Hunter Sanders, I am a first-year student at College of Southern Nevada after taking a year off of high school. College has been easier and much more difficult then i initially expected. The lectures are much less demanding then having to wake up at 5:30 in the morning only to get home at 3 PM. The workload however is something that can be easily overwhelming in comparison to high school. 

The lectures have been more relaxing then the usual 8 period class I had to deal with a year ago. It is clear  that the workload is something I need to balance in order to ensure that everything isn't turned in late or at the last minute. It has overall been quite a different experience compared to high school but in a good way. It is simply just about finding time that works to get my college work done without driving myself too insane.


  1. Very glad to hear your perception of college is different than that of high school and in a good way!

    You will adapt and get your college work done without driving yourself too insane ^_^

    Welcome to IS101-3002, Spring 2024, Hunter :-)

  2. Hunter, college actually is a lot of fun versus High School. This is my second time through college after a 30-year break. Why I came back to college is because I needed to get a degree for work, that is, Welding since my boss and safety officer wouldn't let me weld unless I had piece of paper saying I was trained and qualified.

    What I like about college is I'm given the assignments and it's up to me to show up and get them done with no one badgering me or micromanaging me. It's being an adult which I love vs. being chaperoned all the time which remember High School was like.
    If I mess up, I own it. No one else's fault but mine.
    Anyway, my keys for success have been time management and prioritization, never be afraid to ask questions and most of all, never take myself too seriously.

  3. Hello Hunter! I too am a first-year college student, although I began classes during my junior year. I find it commendable that you took a one-year gap, a thoughtful decision. I share your perspective on the challenges of adjusting to the wake-up routine and coursework. Effective time management is indeed a valuable tool. I've adopted a similar approach of initially stressing and feeling overwhelmed but eventually finding relaxation and ease once a proper schedule is established. It's reassuring to know that others navigate these experiences in similar ways.

  4. Hunter, may I ask how you were able to take a year off from high school? College seems to be much less mundane than high school and gives you more flexibility to learn and complete assignments than the mandatory hours of high school classes. I hope you enjoy your college experience and gain the knowledge you as an individual are seeking.

  5. Hey Hunter! I'm also a first-year college student. It was so smart of you to take a gap year between high school and college. I honestly should have done that as well so I could gain more individuality.

  6. Welcome to the college journey, Hunter! It's fascinating to hear your perspective on transitioning from high school to college at the College of Southern Nevada, especially after taking a gap year. It sounds like the change in pace and structure, with more relaxed lectures compared to the rigid 8-period days, offers a breath of fresh air. However, the challenge of managing a heavier workload is a common theme for many first-year students. Finding that balance is key, and it seems like you're on the right track to figuring out how to fit your college work into your life without overwhelming yourself. Keep exploring strategies that work for you, and remember, it's all about finding that sweet spot between being productive and maintaining your sanity. Best of luck on your college journey!

  7. Hunter I too am finding ways to manage my college time without going insane. As someone who likes the outdoors, being on the computer for hours drives me insane.

  8. Hi Hunter, I agree with your final closing remarks. It's only your first semester, and honestly, it's only going to get more difficult, not because of the classes... well, some but because of the workload. Some classes aren't hard, but they take a while to do and do properly, like this CLASS!!!

  9. Hello Hunter. It's nice to hear how you feel about college classes compared to high school. I graduated high school over 10 years ago now. I remember when I first started, it felt the same way to me. It was nice to have a lot more freedom and flexibility, but it was easy to miss deadlines if you didn't keep up with the work.

  10. Classes in college are most definitely more overwhelming and difficult compared to what I remember in High School, at least from my perspective. I believe it's because working with 8 period classes was something we have got the hang of and we had way more time to work with compared to maybe a four, eight, or sixteen week course. But I'm sure with time and getting comfortable with the classes at hand, things will get much easier.

  11. Hi Hunter! it is interesting to hear how the transition from high school to college has been for you. There are many differences, but I promise once you get the hang of it and learn what times you prefer your classes to be at, it is a much more freeing experience. I look forward to hear how this semester goes for you!

  12. Hey Hunter! I am also a first year college student, however I did not take a gap year. I have always been intrigued about how that is, because in school your always told " A one year gap will turn into a indefinite one." So I was just curious if it was hard trying to get back into the rhythm of school?

  13. Hi Hunter, Its good to see your thoughts on Highschool to College life. wishing you to enjoy successful and happy journey in this college life.

  14. Time management and a delicate work balance is key, here. I'm still working out the growing pains of a college newbie. You sound like you know what you're doing, no worries.

  15. Finding that sweet spot between relaxed lectures and managing heavier workload can definitely take some time, but it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep it up and enjoy college life Hunter.
