Friday, February 2, 2024

The Binary Number System

People throughout their day to day use language in order to communicate. Unlike us however, a computer cannot understand our languages, it is too complex for it to understand in this form. That is why computers use something known as the Binary Number system.

The system itself is very simple to understand. A 0 means the value is off and 1 means the value is on. You usually find it in a series of 8 bits with numbers being made under a base 2 system.

All instructions given to the computer are decoded to binary in order to give off commands to the computer. It can also be used to create your own messages and is used in Networking when creating a sub-net in order to identify the last port of your networks.


  1. Hello Hunter, excellent choice of a topic on the binary number system! Your explanation is commendable, making it accessible for everyone to understand. Great job!

  2. Hey Hunter. I love this topic of choice. Just like how we have our own language, computers also have a language of their own known as binary coding

  3. Hunter, After reading your blog, I started thinking how AI Aura in las vegas Sphere is able to speak in multiple language. The technology is so, advanced so, that AI's are programmed to speak multiple languages.

  4. Computers use binary, a simple system where '0' is off and '1' is on, to understand our commands. This base-2 system translates our inputs into machine-readable form, crucial for tasks like networking and subnetting.

  5. Hunter, excellent choice for a topic since without the Binary Number system computers couldn’t communicate and all the fancy technology we have wouldn’t work. Great simple explanation.

  6. Good reiteration of 1.1.6 Binary Number System Facts, Hunter :-)

    1 and 0 form of basis of the binary system but it is the permutation of the long string of 1s and 0s that give meaning ^_^

  7. Hunter, After reading your blog, I started thinking how AI Aura in las vegas Sphere is able to speak in multiple language. The technology is so, advanced so, that AI's are programmed to speak multiple languages.

  8. Hunter, After reading your blog, I started thinking how AI Aura in las vegas Sphere is able to speak in multiple language. The technology is so, advanced so, that AI's are programmed to speak multiple languages.

  9. Hunter, After reading your blog, I started thinking how AI Aura in las vegas Sphere is able to speak in multiple language. The technology is so, advanced so, that AI's are programmed to speak multiple languages.

  10. Hunter, After reading your blog, I started thinking how AI Aura in las vegas Sphere is able to speak in multiple language. The technology is so, advanced so, that AI's are programmed to speak multiple languages.

  11. The binary number system is a crucial concept we all should know about, so thank you for creating a digestible blog for us! I really like how you gave a comparison between human language and computer language to introduce the topic of your blog.

  12. Cool to know, reminds me of the matrix movie when you see numbers like 0 and 1 all over the screen. Before this blog post I never really knew what it was besides thinking it was just code for software.

  13. It's truly fascinating how computers rely on binary to interpret our complex languages! In binary, 0 represents "off" and 1 represents "on," forming the building blocks of all computer operations. This system not only decodes instructions but also plays a crucial role in networking.

  14. Hey Hunter, Thank you for sharing. I think that it is nothing short of amazing how we created a new language for us to be able to communicate with machines. It makes me wonder if many years from now, people will be able to decode Binary language the way we do when we discover relics of the past. Or if this knowledge is lost once the next best thing that does not rely on this language comes around.

  15. Hunter, thank you for refreshing my memory about the binary system. It is truly interesting on how they were able to come up with this. I can only imagine how complicated it can get at times.

  16. Hi Hunter! I always look forward to reading your posts as you can feel the knowledge you have on the things you talk about. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Hey Hunter, great work on your post. The binary number system, although dated now, is fundamental to things computer-related. I specifically liked how it's essentially a set of instructions we give the computer to do.

  18. Hi Hunter, thank you for sharing another topic which enlighten me on what binary number is.
