Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sections of a Presentation

Sections allow you to split up your various slides in PowerPoint to help show you what various topics will be covered by those slides. It can allow you to mix and match the various elements of your presentation.

You could move up a section specifically about chocolate further up if that is what will hook your audience while leaving the rest of your presentation further down.

These sections help organize your slides and make the presentation more readable for you as the creator of the slides.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Rules of Validation

Whenever you are dealing with a large spreadsheet, it can often be easy to click on the wrong cell and input bad data. Excel has a built-in means to prevent this bad data from being inputted known as Data Validation.

Data Validation lets you set specific rules for a cell or a group of cells. These can range from text length, whole numbers, decimals and date and time and limiting what can be put in by a list of names or objects.

You can also add a special input message if you wanted someone to input a phone number or the specific type of data you are looking to validate. This can help the user figure out what exactly they need to put in.

Data Validation helps ensure the user of your spreadsheet puts in the data you require and helps stop the spread of bad data within the spreadsheet.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Table of Contents

Table of Contents help summarize a document and allow readers to find a specific chapter they are looking for. Due to this, Microsoft Word has a included feature for Table of Contents that can be found in the References tab.

This table of contents uses the special text known as Headings in order to dictate what is considered a chapter in the document.  These headings are usually the largest text on the page and usually include names for various chapters.

The Table of Contents is a nice addition to Word to improve readability on documents and books alike and help readers get to the information they are interested in or see what is coming up.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Many Versions of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office has many different versions that you can use in order to access the suite.  These can be separated as Office 365, Office 2019 and Office Online with each version having their own unique quirks that differentiates them from each other.

Office 365 is a subscription service that can be accessed through either a monthly or yearly fee. This version gets updates and features as soon as they come out alongside security features and bug fixes however users have to keep paying in order to access exclusive features that aren't in the other versions. This is the version offered by CSN that we get from college payments.

Office 2019 is a one time payment access to the Office Suite. It comes with bug fixes and security features and that's it. It grants permanent access to the software but it may lack features that appear in Office 365. Office 2019 is also limited by a one computer per license forcing you to uninstall Office from your device or buy a new copy if you want to use it on another computer.

Office Online is a dumbed down version of the Office 365 product that can be accessed from your web browser. It lacks some features that you'd find in that version but allows for easier collaboration between people.

It is important to choose which version is right for you depending on your situation.

Friday, March 1, 2024

The Hardware of Computers

Computers are made up of all kinds of various parts in order to make them function. All this hardware comes together in order to get the experience you are used to. The most important of these parts is the CPU or Central Processing Unit.  The CPU is able to process, interpret and execute instructions from various hardware and software.

The next major component is a GPU or Graphics Processing Unit which is used in order to speed up graphical processing and many other processes. You often find high end GPUs used for gaming, video editing and machine learning.

RAM or Random Access Memory is the temporary storage on a computer that stores data that your computer needs so that it is quick to access.  This data is only maintained while the computer is on and it is lost upon turning the computer off.

Hard Drive/Solid State Drive (HDD or SSD) provide the storage for your computer system. It retains data even while the device is off and is how we store software and games on our devices.

A power supply is the last major component providing power to the entire system and allowing all the components to work effectively. It is with all these components that a desktop or laptop is made and is able to enjoy the use of software.  While creating a computer requires more then the parts mentioned, these components are what do the work on your computer.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Binary Number System

People throughout their day to day use language in order to communicate. Unlike us however, a computer cannot understand our languages, it is too complex for it to understand in this form. That is why computers use something known as the Binary Number system.

The system itself is very simple to understand. A 0 means the value is off and 1 means the value is on. You usually find it in a series of 8 bits with numbers being made under a base 2 system.

All instructions given to the computer are decoded to binary in order to give off commands to the computer. It can also be used to create your own messages and is used in Networking when creating a sub-net in order to identify the last port of your networks.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

The High School to College Experience

My name is Hunter Sanders, I am a first-year student at College of Southern Nevada after taking a year off of high school. College has been easier and much more difficult then i initially expected. The lectures are much less demanding then having to wake up at 5:30 in the morning only to get home at 3 PM. The workload however is something that can be easily overwhelming in comparison to high school. 

The lectures have been more relaxing then the usual 8 period class I had to deal with a year ago. It is clear  that the workload is something I need to balance in order to ensure that everything isn't turned in late or at the last minute. It has overall been quite a different experience compared to high school but in a good way. It is simply just about finding time that works to get my college work done without driving myself too insane.